Jual Gps Geodetik Hitarget V30 RTK


Jual GPS Geodetik Hi Target V30 (GNSS RTK & Static),Beli Produk Hi Target V30 Gps Rtk,Jual Hi Target V30 GNSS RTK GPS Geodetik / Hi-Target V 30 / HiTarget V-30,Beli Produk Gps Geodetik Rtk V30 ,Sewa Produk Gps Geodetik Rtk V30,Harga Produk Gps Geodetik Rtk V30,Service Produk Gps Geodetik Rtk V30 

” 220 Channels
” Advanced Pacific Crest Maxwell 6 Custom Survey GNSS Technology
” High precision multiple correlator for GNSS pseudo range measurements
” Unfiltered, unsmoothed pseudo range measurements data for low noise, low multipath error, low time domain correlation and high dynamic response
” Very low noise GNSS carrier phase measurements with 1 mm precision in a 1 Hz bandwidth
” Signal-to-Noise ratios reported in dB-Hz
” Proven Pacific Crest low elevation tracking technology

Satellite signals tracked simultaneously
GPS: Simultaneous L1C/A, L2C, L2E, L5
GLONASS: Simultaneous L1C/A, L1P, L2C/A (GLONASS M only), L2P
SBAS: Simultaneous L1 C/A, L5
Galileo: Simultaneous L1 BOC, E5A, E5B, E5AltBOC
BDS: B1, B2
QZSS: L1 C/A, L1 SAIF, L2C, L5

Static and Fast Static GNSS surveying
Horizontal: 2.5mm+0.5ppm RMS
Vertical: 5mm+0.5ppm RMS

Post Processing Kinematic
(PPK / Stop & Go) GNSS surveying
Horizontal: 1cm+1ppm RMS
Vertical: 2.5cm+1ppm RMS
Initialization time: typically 10 minutes for base while 5 minutes for rover
Initialization reliability: typically 99.9%


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